“If I promise not to cause a ruckus, may I join you?” Sometimes solitary travel makes for a productive supper, but sometimes it opens doors. I saw an elderly couple watching the dining room comings and goings with interest. A beautiful plaid wheelchair was carefully tucked at their table. Her hands moved slowly, deliberately. But her eyes danced. He leaned in, listening with great care. And the tug on my...
Letting Your Feet Leave the Ground
Gazing through a jet window streaming sunlight and sapphire horizon. Bags packed. Handouts printed. I smile watching the tarmac begin to slip away. The intrigue of irony dawns. One of the talks I’ll offer this weekend challenges us to let our feet leave the ground. I remember the first time I flew. My heart raced with both exhilaration and apprehension. What if in such moments we allow our fear of...
Turn the Page
This weekend I smiled into an azure sky jeweled with tender pink blossoms. Spring comes, opening new life. The sweet fragrance of growth reminded me of my words for the year. Turn the page. Turn to new. Turn to growth. Turn to dreams. Turn to daring. Turn the page. Write the next chapter. Live in the journey. The last few days of February are about to slip away and with...
Because You’re Never Without a Home
The warm acoustics of Nashville’s beloved Ryman still resonated with my heartstrings as I strolled down the late night scene of Broadway. Funny how my country roots and the urban pulse seemed to meld into something energizing. Strains of every genre mingled on the sidewalk, mixing a new kind of music on the dark air. Passing doors and windows, one song would grow heavy above the others and then give way...
You’re Why I’m Here
December rain streaked the night sky reflecting the city lights. It may have been a dreary winter night in the streets, but we were expectant and joyful, celebrating the arrival of the Christmas season. I drew my wrap tighter and braced for stormy gusts. Slipping from the shelter of the parking garage, I bowed my head from the rain. Immediately, a man rushed my direction. I scurried to dodge out of his...
When Your Feet Have No Ground
Familiar. Routine. Preventative. All labels of comfort crashed to cold tiles of an exam room floor. “Raise your arm. We need to check your lymph nodes.” The words seared from my ears, through my brain, to my heart. Tears welled like a tapped spring spilling. “It’s just a precaution. Don’t worry.” Precaution became a centrifuge swirling the unfamiliar until I was dizzy and the world was jarringly distorted—biopsy, schedule, hospital, surgeon....